
Research Paper On Animal Farm By George Orwell

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George Orwell's fantasy book "Animal Farm" captures the ascent and collapse of a dictator in power with exquisite imagery. It skillfully demonstrates how neither people nor animals can withstand having such total control over their subjects. The ideal components of gaslighting and indoctrinating the youth and its people with propaganda may be seen in all manifestations of selfishness and greed. And how to blind people to actual issues emotionally rather than physically. In a communist animal dictatorship, animals have overthrown the order. That comes when a dictatorship slowly rises to power before crumbling. And how it shows that even animals are unable to exercise authority or rule over others. Why do we research the deeds and effects of human nature, and the power of that nature? This idea is to keep that control of nature from ever happening again, so that the people could just run a government instead of a leader selfishly using others to their desire. While preventing the gaslighting of subjects and propaganda. The consistent reactions to power and cycles of failed revolutions reveal that human nature is defined by power and selfish desire over one another. To rule and gain territory while also gaining accommodations for themselves and only themselves while successfully suing people to fulfill such …show more content…

Like how in the second quote it mentions the indoctrination of the puppies by comrade Napoleon. Napoleon mentally abused the puppies by sculpting them and covering them from society to tend to his selfish need of having his perfect army. While in the 1 quotes, it shows us how power cannot be handled by anyone thousand based on how even animals nor man can handle such responsibly. Selfishly using their people for their own needs. Compared now it shows raw greed and Napoleon's rule has abused others mentally and some even

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