Research Paper On Aphrodite

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Greek gods and goddesses all have very winding and intricate stories, however some of the more well-known Olympians have more set information on their lives such as the goddess of love. Although Aphrodite may not be the most well-known god, her life was a large impact on the lives of other Greek Gods. Aphrodite was a complex goddess due to many myths about her vindictive behavior with love and relationships often caused a controversial involvement in conflict with both humans and other gods. The goddess of love was born by seafoam when Cronus tossed Uranus’ castrated genitals into the sea. Though there are alternative stories to her rise from seafoam, such as Aphrodite being Zeus’ daughter, but that is most said by Homer in Iliad. (“Aphrodite; …show more content…

Her birth almost seemed to represent heaven itself. Several of the God’s and Goddesses’ who witnessed her upbringing all had different otherworldly terms to describe the beauty of Aphrodite and how she came to be. It is said that during her birth the surrounding audience gawked at her, she was respected from the moment she was born and continued this streak throughout life. When Aphrodite was born, she was fully clothed in her most memorable outfit, pearls and a silken robe, although there are variations of this outfit it is relatively the same and her clothes heavily represent who she is and what she stands for. (“Aphrodite Myths 1”) During Aphrodite’s time she had a lot of conflict follow her where she went, whether this all was her fault is debatable …show more content…

Aphrodite was immensely desirable, basically representing all things feminine and seductive; Hephaestus was crippled, an outcast, and considered non-threatening due to his hideousness. Zeus married Aphrodite to Hephaestus for these reasons, as well as she was a “gift” to him. During Aphrodite’s arranged marriage she was unfaithful, although she had several lovers her most well-known affair was with the God of War, Ares, she bore him 5 children- 4 sons and 1 daughter-and had an affair lasting throughout her marriage and beyond. There was a time where Ares and Aphrodite were said to be caught, the two had been counting on Hephaestus being away and snuck into bed together, soon to be bound in chains and humiliated for their infidelity. Despite their embarrassment, the affair didn’t end with their dignity; the two continued sleeping together for a long while and Ares was even said to be Aphrodite’s “one true love”. Ares usually tended to be cold and uncaring for his lovers, but it was love at first sight for him and Aphrodite, he bought her constant gifts and showered her with affection to try and win her over. The goddess slept with countless other gods and mortals, some of her most famous one’s being Zeus, Poseidon, Dionysus, and Hermes. During her affair with Zeus, she bore him one child, and the jealous goddess Hera cursed her fetus to deliver an ugly baby both inside and out, this baby

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