Research Paper On Betty Crocker

1206 Words5 Pages

Betty Crocker The Woman The Myth The Legend

Ava Beckett


Historial Character Research Paper

Total Word Count: 1094

Almost everyone is familiar with Betty Crocker! She has impacted American culture immensely and is a staple of the meals the family enjoys! Betty Crocker is known for its desserts, recipes, boxed baking mixes, decorating products, and baking supplies. The slogan, "You can do it, and Betty can help you," illustrated that her character is the voice of experience and can respond intelligently to the cooks' queries at home, inspiring people to feel more confident in the kitchen post-World War era. The brand was also an influencer who led the way for more women to be employed by General Mills and feel valued …show more content…

From then on, Gold Medal Flour began to get tens of thousands of comments and inquiries about baking. The Washburn Crosby Company's all-male advertising department made the decision to create a fictional symbolic character to respond to every letter. They decided to make her a woman named Betty Crocker. They settled on the name Betty because it embodied a cheerful good-natured all-American first name. The last name Crocker was adopted in honor of William G. Crocker, a retired corporate director. Betty Crocker was created to have a persona of a woman who loves to bake and cook, who is dedicated to her family and friends, who is intelligent and innovative with shared tastes, who is active in the community, and who feels at home in either the boardroom or the dining …show more content…

The first official image of Betty was made in 1936 by Neysa McMein. McMein participated in women's suffrage parades and had a membership in the Lucy Stone League, which supported progressive women's political and economic rights of the time. It was a composite artwork that combined the facial traits of the female employees of Washburn-home Crosby's household care division. For more than 20 years, the Betty image would be displayed; it was especially appropriate given that the women of Washburn-Crosby played a collective role in Betty's success. Betty's picture has seen seven updates since 1955. She was seen in 1965 bearing a close likeness to Jackie Kennedy, an iconic First Lady of that era. She didn't age much despite her regular image modifications. A woman's magazine noted that she appeared to stay an ageless 32. John Stuart Ingle, a painter, gave her an olive complexion that may be associated with various ethnicities on her 75th anniversary in 1996 by digitally changing the images of 75 women who General Mills thought best represented the attributes of Betty Crocker that could be seen around the