Research Paper On Ethiopia

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Ethiopia is a extraordinary country filled with rich history, culture, and beautiful views. Located in the horn of africa, Ethiopia is the most populous landlocked country in the world with over 90 million inhabitants. Ethiopia was a monarchy for most of its history. What we now call Ethiopia was founded in 980bc., when the D’mt kingdom existed in northern Ethiopia . In A.D. 341, christianity was brought to the region. Ancient Ethiopia thrived in the 5 century, but then was weakened by feudal wars and isolated by the rise of islam. Modern Ethiopia emerged under the rule of Menelik 2 when independence was established after defending an invasion from the Italians. Slave trade existed in Ethiopia for centuries. It was finally eblished when Ethiopia gained its independence in 1942. Ethiopia was one of the few countries in Africa where no European country colonized in. The Italians attempted to invade Ethiopia, but using the mountians and higher ground to their advantage, Ethiopians managed to fight off the Italians. …show more content…

There is up to 83 different languages spoken in Ethiopia. These languages are divided into four different language groups: Semitic, Cushitic, Omotic, and Nilo-Saharan. The average lifespan for ethiopians is about 63 years old. About 29 percent of Ethiopia’s population lives below the poverty line. According to Horn Affairs, Ethiopia is in good shape when it comes to debt. It states that “Ethiopia recorded a Government Debt to GDP of 28.60 percent of the country's Gross Domestic Product in 2014.” Like some other African countries, Ethiopia experiences water shortages, lack of access to clean water sources, and sanitation problems. A study conducted by found that only 42% of Ethiopia’s population has access to a clan water

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