Research Paper On Human Trafficking

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Human trafficking is a problem with many parts. There are are many types of human trafficking. Many people get confused with what can happen and what happens along with different misjudgements. There are many different but some are more important with others. Human trafficking is such a big problem, yet it goes so unknown.
Knowing more of an overview is a good start to understanding the problem of human trafficking. Human trafficking is defined as the enlistment, transportation, and hiding of people for someone’s own pleasure. In many cases, the act of hiding is one of the main things found. Enlistment means getting someone to do something or someone signing up for an activity, good or bad. Some reasons for human trafficking include rape, …show more content…

U.S federal law says that anyone under the age of 18 who is made to do commercial sex is a victim of sex trafficking; it can last anywhere from a few days to several years. Most cases last at least several months. The traffickers hide the victims so well and control the victims so easily that it takes a long time for a case to even be reported. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children says that one out of six endangered runaway children were victims of sex trafficking. That’s reasonable because those children are looking for parents/adults that they can trust. So many traffickers are able to lewer the children in and make the children trust them. Sex trafficking tends to occur in places like fake massage businesses, homes or residential areas, at truck stops or corner stores, and at hotels or motels. Sex trafficking happens most in people's homes. In the other places, other people are there and the traffickers are easier to be caught. According to the Justice for Youth Champion of Hope, “Data on human trafficking reveals that sex traffickers often recruit children because not only are they young, innocent and more unsuspecting than adults, but there is also a high demand for young victims.” Sadly, young teens and kids are the main targets. Kids are less likely to tell that they are being raped. Average teenage girls that enter the sex trade are 12-14 years old. This is the age where the kids are able to make their own decisions but may not know some of the decision’s consequences. They most likely don’t know what could happen if they do things like this. Sex trafficking is the most popular and most know type of human