Research Paper On Jack The Ripper

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Alexis Huckabee
Mrs. Davis
English Iv (3rd)
10 April 2017
Jack The Ripper The Jack the Ripper was a well known serial killer in the 1800’s in East London. It was believed Jack the Ripper only had five victims. Even though no one was charged for the crimes there was more than a hundred suspects. The WhiteChapel Murders believed to be linked to Ripper. The police ran into a lot of problems as they raced against the killer before he could kill again. There were lots of letters that were sent to the police that supposedly coming from the killer. Jack the Ripper was a serial killer who hated women. “The Jack the Ripper was believed to be a midwife, surgeon, Russian barber-surgeon, polish poisoner, a barrister, cambridge don, slaughterman, ill-assorted trio surgeon, painter and cabbie, Queen Victoria’s grandson, devil worshipper, liverpool cotton merchant, canadian quack, and Mary Kelly’s boyfriend’ (Jakubowski and Braund, ed.). On November 15,1892, Thomas Nell Cream was being executed. Thomas …show more content…

After the first murder the officers believed they were gang related. Frederick Abberline was involved in the investigation, thinks the WhiteChapel murders are the work of an expert surgeon. The police were basically set up to fail. The police didn’t really tell the press anything because they didn’t want it to tip off any suspects that the police were onto them. Even though the police weren’t saying anything, the journalists were still giving out information. They would follow officers to see if they could get a tip on the investigation. The press interviewed local residents and almost ruined the investigation. The police ran into a lot of problems as they raced against the killer before he could kill again. The cops were getting a lot of criticism for not being able to catch