Research Paper On Kamchatka Bears

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Bears in Kamchatka
The main hosts of the Kamchatka peninsula are bears. You can meet them everywhere, and in summer, when growing fat, they gather just by crowds in places like the Kuril Lake.
Lake Kuril is the main annual meeting place for most bears of the southern part of the Kamchatka Peninsula. Here, they grow their fat while fishing before the coming winter, raise their offspring and lead an active social bear life.
Brown bears of Kamchatka
The Kamchatka bear can rightly be called another natural landmark of this unique land. Zoologists consider the large animal a separate subspecies of the brown bear. Its main habitat is Kamchatka, some live in Sakhalin and in Manchuria, as well. Its difference from other subspecies is primarily in size. …show more content…

It has wonderful reflex, moves quickly. Therefore, one should not think that it would not punish anyone for a disrespectful attitude. Intellectual abilities of a brown bear are at a good level. It quickly processes the information, changes the behavior depending on the circumstances and transfers its experience to the offspring. Its memory especially spatial is also excellent. No matter how far the bear leaves its place, it returns there without fail. Endurance and the ability to move with good speed allow the Kamchatka bear to overcome many hundreds of kilometers, especially during spawning.
The bear grows all its life. The size of the females is slightly smaller than that of the males, although there are females of equal size, as well. This subspecies refers to brown bears, but the coloring may be different, both light and almost black wool. Moving usually on all fours, the bear can walk on the back paws, can sit upright, and work with his front paws using them as a shovel, lever and a fish net. Since the forelegs are working, the claws are longer, approximately 12-13 cm.
Bears have nimble and fluid movements. They climb on rocks and trees. Although not every Kamchatka bear will want to climb a tree because of its large size. Cubs, which have not yet gained body weight, usually do that. The Kamchatka bears are also excellent swimmers and like to splash in the water and sit there, plunged up to the neck.