
Research Paper On Kangaroos

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What is a tan fur jumping machine with 2 legs and lives in Australia? This is a kangaroo, an interesting animal. The kangaroo doesn’t have a big habitat. The kangaroo mostly eat grass and meat for it diet. A kangaroo’s behavior is sometimes calm but sometimes they can be fighters. The kangaroo has many physical appearances that are different than other animals. The kangaroo has different ways to reproduce than any other animal. Jumping and hopping, the kangaroos has a simple habitat, a mostly plant diet, and interesting behavior, their bouncing physical appearance, and reproduction habits to make this zoo animal one of the most remarkable creatures at the zoo. Habitat The kangaroo doesn’t have a big habitat. …show more content…

The kangaroo have 5 fingers on their front paw and they are not the same length. Like humans kangaroos have thumbs but they cannot use them and kangaroos have sharp claws (kangaroo). Eastern kangaroos can grow 6.9 feet and can weigh up to 200 lbs. (“Kangaroo”). Western gray kangaroo can grow up to 3 feet 7 inches 120lb and for its height it can get up to 4 ft. 3 in (“Kangaroo”). The kangaroo has strong back legs for hopping and leaping to move (“Kangaroo”). Kangaroos have small mouths and small heads and they have pointy ears (“Kangaroo”). The kangaroos have a tail that is used for a third leg when not moving. The tail is thick and it is used for balancing (“Kangaroo”). The kangaroos back leg has 4 toes; the 4th toe holds all the weight. Toes number 2&3 are together (“Kangaroo”).The fur colors can be gray, brown, red, and black. a kangaroos can up to 4-10 years of age (“Kangaroo A-Z”). The physical appearance of the kangaroo is different than other animals. Reproduction The kangaroo has different ways to reproduce than any other animal. A baby kangaroo weighs less than a pound (“Kangaroo”). Baby kangaroos are called joeys. Joeys can leave the pouch at 7-10 months (“Kangaroo A-Z”). Females have 1 joey at a time (“Kangaroo”). The kangaroos reproduction is different than many other animals.

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