Research Paper On Karl Marx

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Roberto Burle Marx was quite the talented man. He explored all sorts of fields from painting, to ecology, and was even a musician. Marx love for nature and art would one day bring him great success and he would be known as the creator of modern natural art.
Marx was born in a wealthier family in Sao Paulo, Brazil. While in his twenties, he had the opportunity to study art in Germany. While in Germany, he would often spend his time visiting the gardens. The time spent in the gardens helped Marx discover his love and passion for nature.
When Marx returned to Brazil in 1930, he began attending school at the National School of Fine
Arts. There, he would focus more on the visual arts.
Marx started his landscaping career in 1932. His first …show more content…

That influence started showing when he designed a rooftop garden on top the Ministry of Education building. I personally like
Marx’ work due to the clean edges and the contrast in colors used.
Marx’ projects to me show of how we can incorporate nature into even the most formal and business settings. In most landscaping projects seen today, people will use many plants in a tight area. I often see too much crammed into a space that could be used to a better benefit. Marx, however, used space sparingly. He turn the open space into a piece of art. He would often use forms and colors that would draw your attention to other details of the project.
To find the best plants and life to use in his projects, Marx would often travel into the Brazilian rainforests. He would travel along with researchers and botanists to find plants for his use. Since Marx also had a love for nature, he would also help and learn to study the plants that were found. He would make many contributions to the Botanists and researchers.
One of the greatest things about Marx, was that he was always wanting to grow and improve. In
1955 He opened a landscaping studio as well as started his own company, Burle Marx & Cia. Ltda. …show more content…

I often think that although people may enjoy the art and wonder at it, they may also be just walking overtop without knowing how unique and beautiful it really is.
People often say that Marx’ work is Avant-Guard. After researching what Avant-Guard is, I would completely agree. The way that his work had changed the world of art and the culture around him goes to show his influence. He was always being innovative and pushing what was expected.
One way that he would strive to keep his work as natural as he could is through keeping plant species to themselves. His work often included local and native plant life. He did not like to mix different plants or colors. In nature you do not often see a large mixture of colors or species. Most plants grow in groups and stay together. He took that aspect and gave them abstract forms to give them a modern and interactive feel.Marx’ attention to detail often shows in the way that you would walk through his gardens. He would often strive to have a perfect mobility and transition through his garden landscapes. This would enhance the level of enjoyment of his work.
Marx would prefer to work on public spaces. He would like to work on public projects so that

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