Research Paper On Nelson Mandela

472 Words2 Pages
A Hero is a person who is known for their ingenuity, strength, bravery and/or kindness. Nelson Mandela was a hero because he changed not only a country, a continent, but the whole world. He changed the world by letting others know that you can stand up for something that you know isn’t right, that you can do that peacefully and many other things. Nelson Mandela was a hero because he was selfless, brave and he sacrificed many things for others.
Nelson Mandela’s journey as a hero started here, at birth. Mandela was born on July 18, 1918 in Mvezo, Transkei, South Africa. Mandela was born as Rolihlahla Mandela. His name in the Xhosa language commonly translates to troublemaker. His father served as a counselor to tribal chiefs for several years,

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