
Research Paper On Night By Elie Wiesel

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Safety vs. Freedom Open Argument Final Draft. Freedom has been a central idea established in America since the United States gained its independence. Many citizens of America and other countries support freedom, as most of the world rules through democracy. Although freedom is cherished, safety is valued more than freedom due to the immoderate actions that freedom has caused, specifically in historical aspects and those related to women respectability. History proves that some freedoms lead to devastating outcomes and great impacts on people’s safety. In the novel “Night” by Elie Wiesel, the author describes his experiences as a Holocaust survivor and his endurance in the Nazi concentration camps. Wiesel, who is Jewish, had to leave most of …show more content…

In other words, there is no guarantee that the wife will not be harassed again. This puts the safety of the women in tremendous danger, due to the excess freedom the spouse is being given. Likewise, from what I have seen, many of the Amber Alerts that have appeared in the past months. There were always teenage girls that were abducted the most, among other genders and age groups. This shows how teenage girls or even other girls close to that age cannot roam freely during the day, since they could be abducted anywhere and at any time, reducing their safety. This reduces the freedom of teenage girls, since they are not going to be allowed to go outside without a companion, which also causes many other problems like parental stress and a rise in mental health conditions for teenage girls. Not going outside can make teenagers feel lonely, miss out on physical fitness, and eventually cause mental illnesses like depression, social phobias, and anxiety. Additionally, this also shows the excessive use of freedom from the abductors, since they are leaning more towards the crime aspect of society. In conclusion, excessive freedom has shown a route to drastic circumstances, especially in relation to

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