Research Paper On Sherlock Holmes

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Sherlock Holmes had been in the sex business for numerous years. Always having been one to capture the attention of a room upon entry, and exude confidence wherever he went from an early age, it simply suited him. He knew how to do things correctly, and had always firmly believed that 98% of the population were morose toddlers in terms of maturity and intellectual strength. Being in a world with such low standards for commonality, he had seen it fit to rise above the others in a way that benefited him most. Sex, seemed to be the perfect outlet for his narcissistic tendencies, as he garnered both pleasure and command over others, coupled with subservience from those he knew were beneath him. Mycroft, the British prime minister, made his occupation all the more thrilling, as it was perhaps the most debauched course of action he could think of that would bring forth disapproval from his brother. Being an irritant to the elder Holmes was one of his few hobbies, and …show more content…

As much as spiting Mycroft was a splendid pastime, he had no wish to do the same to either of his parents, and settled upon keeping his relation to the Holmes's as a private affair. Now, here he was, sitting leisurely on a plush sofa whilst swiping through various photos of Irene Adler on his mobile. It was only a matter of time until she was employed by Mycroft to investigate his connection to the murder that had taken place recently, seeing as her older sister Anthea knew Mycroft on personal terms (they had partaken in sexual intercourse once, though it seems as if they never re-divulged in that again) and Irene had built herself a little reputation. The Consulting Detective. Sherlock, though he had not met her, respected her for her apparent intellectual prowess, and when a few blokes whom he had connections with -he knew what they liked- reported that Miss Adler and her little sidekick, Mary, were in motion to arrive, he felt a spur of

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