Research Paper On St. Augustine's Confessions

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The novel St. Augustine’s Confessions is about the journeys that Augustine lived out that lead him to God; it took place in Thagaste in Eastern Algeria, which was then a part of the Roman Empire. The first parts of the book were all about Augustine’s life, and everything that he had gone through, starting from when he was a child to him reaching adulthood and details of his accomplishments and life lessons. It spoke about the beginning of his life through his conversion to Catholicism in 386 A.D. Almost every event that took place throughout the novel is explained with a strong philosophical point of view and reference to how these events made his faith stronger. The events that St. Augustine chose to write about in the work are highly based upon his …show more content…

Thou owest nothing yet dost pay as if in debt to Thy creature, forgivest what is owed to Thee yet dost not lose thereby (pg.5).” I had difficult time trying to understand this quote but I feel that this quote from St Augustine’s Confessions shows how God loves his creations the way a parent loves their children and how parents feel an obligation to provide for their children and put all their effort into keeping them safe and healthy, God in a way has an obligation to us. I know that this statement can be controversial; people of faith don’t like to think of God being bound by something like an obligation. I however don’t see obligation to us as something that demeans his omnipotence but as a characteristic that we are blessed to have adopted by our creature. When we observe a person taking care of the parts of their lives that have an obligation to take care of, we naturally feel that they are a person with good moral fiber. This feeling of obligation is also something that I feel drives Augustine, he has a deep obligation that drives him to becoming a man of God and devoting his life to