Research Paper On The Birth Of Venus

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Venus is depicted as a goddess for love and is the first female nudes in art.Many artists had their way of displaying a nude or a semi-nude painting/sculpture. According to the Greek mythology, she emerges from the sea .Venus was born as grown women who emerged from the sea and landed on the coast of Cyprus. Venus was the female counterpart to the gods Vulcan and mars who were fiery constitutions. When she emerged she was naked and beautiful on a large shell and she had a garland of myrtle, the plant sacred to Venus around her neck. Venus was not only a goddess of love but she was known for sex, beauty and fertility. The Greeks called Venus as Aphrodite, the goddess of love. The roman Venus had many abilities than the Greek Aphrodite; she was a goddess of victory, fertility and even prostitution. Venus, due to her beauty and sexual nature was depicted nude/semi-nude. …show more content…

Her depiction is nude and is significant in itself as during that time almost all the artwork was of Christian theme and nude women were hardly portrayed. According to the Greek sculptures, the earliest of the life size statues, the Cniden Venus by Praxiteles is seen as the most powerfully erotic one. Venus was worshipped as the goddess of love and beauty. They still suggest her power to excite the pilgrims who have never seen anything more beautiful than this. Later statues of Venus are often less sexually open that the Cniden

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