Research Paper On Thomas Hobbes

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Besides philosophy, Hobbes also worked in the fields of history, physics, theology, ethics and political theory. His idea is that the nature of human beings contributes to the cooperation of other members of the community due to its own interests, becoming one of the most important theoretical theories of philosophical anthropology. Hobbes is one of the founding philosophers of materialism. The views of Thomas Hobby are considered as the foundation of realism. In his "Levyatan", philosophy by means of a deduction, Hobbs is trying to explain the nature of the political reality. In the introduction, Hobbs says that the state is an artificial person, only bigger and stronger than a natural person whose security and protection are created. This …show more content…

He describes this state as "state of nature". According to his description, in every natural condition every man, woman and child are in danger from all others. People have a constant fear of each other because their lives are endangered and nobody has a security guarantee. In such a situation that the Hobbes describes as "Elderly, poor, lazy, cruel and short" is the natural condition of everybody's war against everyone. "This" ego, poor, lazy, cruel and short "approach is the only way out of the hobby that is Create and operate a sovereign state. Hobbes says that people instinctively join each other and formulate security pacts that provide security for each one. This universal fear and sense of security will force them to leave the natural state where every war is against everyone. In other words, Hobbes says that humans are creating sovereign states not on the basis of their intellect, but on instinct. They allow social contracts to each other and create a sovereign government capable of protecting them from foreign and domestic enemies and hindering