Research Paper On Titan Arum

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The smell of a Corpse Flower, Titan Arum, helps prevent it from being eaten, but despite this the plant is still very rare; according to the IUCN it’s officially “threatened." It comes from the forests of Sumatra. It's not actually one big flower; it’s thousands upon thousands of little male and female flowers. These give out oils, while the center collects heat. A mature plant can weigh 200 pounds. The bloom of the Titan Arum is typically between 6 and 8 feet tall (the largest on record was just over 10 feet tall) and it gives a foul odor of rotting flesh, thus the name corpse flower. These plants are uncommon in cultivation and blooms are even more rare. The plant also produces the largest leaf in the world reaching 15-20' high.The bloom

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