The Titans Research Paper

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Titans ruled during the Golden age of humanity. They were around before the gods and they can be known as elder gods. The first generations of titans parents were Uranus and Gaea. The titans are the parents of some of the Olympians.
Gaea Is the Earth Goddess also partner of Uranus. Uranus is the sky and was craeated by Gaea. The two had many children such as the Titans Cyclopes and Hecatonchires. Besides Uranus Gaea also had two other children tehey were called Pontus and Ourea. The pair had the first generation of Titans. Than Uranus got killed by his youngest titan son cronus. Uranus didn’t like monsters so he banished his children the cyclopes to Tartarus which infuriated Gaea. So Gaea asked Cronus to overthrow Uranus.
Gaea and Uranus were