
What Role Did Gaea Play In Greek Mythology

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couldn’t be proven. This was the start of an oral tradition, greek mythology was part of religion in ancient greece and consisted of a many teachings that involved gods and goddesses. These teachings and myths helped explain the nature of the world and gave significance to polytheism. From these teachings many gods and goddesses were created, one being the mother of earth: Gaea. Gaea or Gaia was one of the primordial elemental deities and is known as the mother of all creation. Gaea ware created out of nothingness, had a very intricate and complicated family history, and was honored during the early years of greek mythology.

Gaea symbolizes the earth and is the mother of everything, she was believed to be created at the dawn of creation. She was the representation of earth and was said to be created with Eros from Chaos. There were many different interpretations to how Gaea was created and who or where she was created from, however the consistent interpretation supported that she was the …show more content…

The greeks would give offerings to her and she would preside over oaths and marriages. The greeks were also very insightful in regards to wisdom and medicine. “By studying the Greek myths, we can gain valuable insights into the nature of health and disease, and the way of the healer.” (Osborn) Gaea being known as mother nature presided over all the inhabitants of her earth, she was the healer and sought to maintain balance. A modern day view of gaea could be described as an ecosystem, self preserving and ever flowing. Just as she tried to seek balance with Uranus and other gods and goddesses that caused disbalance. She, alike a protective mother, wanted her children to coincide. The greeks followed her but soon focused on others gods and goddesses like Zeus and Poseidon. However, she continued to bear impact on the creation and the marker the beginning of a religion and

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