Research Paper On Walt Disney

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“If you can dream it, you can do it. Always remember that this whole thing started with a dream and a mouse.-Walt Disney” This quote shows that even if you are going through a rough patch or having something difficult in your way, just reach whatever your dream is. You can always reach your dream and what you want will always appear after hard work and effort. The quote relates to my thesis since it shows his popularity in cartoons and how mickey mouse has been a part of cartoon history forever and is still here today. Walt Dinsey was an important figure in pop culture history because he created history through cartoons, his animated series, his sad life-changing backstory, as well as his dedication, and changing kids' lives. Walt Disney was …show more content…

He created several TV shows in theaters and theme parks, books, and even his own merchandise. His accomplishments were making their first cartoon, “laugh-o-gram”. With a theater in Kansas. Disney was also one of the first entertainment companies which have made a sound in sync with the cartoon. Walt Disney even earned many awards, for example, his presidential medal of freedom, academic honorary award, Academy Award for Best Short Film, and one of his Grammy Trustees rewards. He also created a series called, Alice in Wonderland which led to his ending bankruptcy. Another of his cartoons, “Snow White”, became $1.499 million and became much wealthier (Pontius 12). “Walt Disney created and built his dream theme park on July 17th, 1955. He made the place spotless and enjoyed it as much as everyone else. Walt Disney would Disguise himself with sunglasses and a floppy hat in case anyone tried to mob him, which were his fans” (Stewart 15). This shows how much Walt Disney was proud and honored for his hard work and dedication to all of his creations for the world and as for kids and younger adults, even people older can enjoy today. Some that belong to the pitfalls or problems once Walt Disney became famous happened to be the fact that at the time where he happened to be around the age that belongs to 24, he happened to be highly invested in his work. In 1930, he suffered from many nervous breakdowns at the time when mickey mouse became an existing star. His wife also claimed that she happened to be pregnant which led to Walt Disney becoming severely distressed. He even became an existing heavy drinker, smoking many packs an existing day as well as sleeping less. What he thought during this time happened to be “His whole life, dedicated to giving himself a childhood yet how could he even have one when while doing that he was having a child?” (Harmon 4). However, in the end, he