Resident Assistant Reflective Essay

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After glancing over the criteria this course provides, I am very excited to have the opportunity to learn more about the qualities of a Residence Assistance. After I have finished this course, the four things I hope to have learned are, a wide knowledge about how to excel as a Resident Assistant, tips on how to manage work, social, and student life as an RA, ideas of how to present material to diverse cultural backgrounds, and helpful ways to build upon leadership qualities. My Idea of the Primary Role of an RA I live in Woody/Shales in the Lafollette complex and from my community and interaction with my RA, I have noticed that my RA is not very social. I have been the initiator for any interaction with her for the majority of the time i.e. leaving my door open, talking to her about her day, and starting conversations. The only reason I mention this is because before I came to college, I thought an RA was simply, a student leader who would be friends with all the people on their floor and would set up fun programs so they could all interact and everyone would become a big happy family. While this could be a possibility, although …show more content…

As mentioned in class, the RA position and title is well represented as a “fish bowl effect.” It is important to understand the weight of a title such as this and respect the title by performing to the best of one’s ability. I was interested to see how many others saw this statement as a driven literal point. By this, I mean the concept of seeing this job as only a job, simply a way to get money, or gain free room and board. As mentioned from an RA informational meeting I attended, “there are a lot easier ways to get