Resiliency Scale Analysis

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Resiliency refers to the capacity of human beings to survive and thrive in the face of adversity. It is a term that can be applied to people of any age. However, in this context refers to the capacity that some children have to overcome difficult circumstances and go on to lead healthy, successful lives.
Resiliency scale for children and adolescents was developed by Sandra Prince-Embury in the year 2006. The scale was designed to systematically identify and quantify core personal qualities of resiliency in youth, as expressed in their own words about their experience. The purpose of the scale is to provide theoretically and empirically sound assessment of core characteristics of personal resiliency in children and adolescents of (ages 9-18) …show more content…

Sense of Mastery scale:
A sense of mastery in children and youth provides the opportunity for them to interact with and enjoy cause and effect relationship in the environment. The design of the sense of mastery scale distinguishes three personal characteristics that combine to form the underpinning of a youth’s sense of mastery optimism , self-efficacy and adaptability. The purpose of this distinction is to include these aspects and to potentially assess the relative contribution of each to a youth’s sense of mastery or lack thereof.
The first subcale optimism is defined as a positive attitude about the world/life in general and about an individual’s life specifically, currently and in the future. It is also being defined as attribution style, positive self- esteem, and perception of control. the normal participant scores a score of 10 while the disabled participant scored 2 being average and below average scores respectively. This indicates that the normal participant is fairly positive about his life while the disabled participant is more negative and has internalized bad …show more content…

This scale have four component aspects that contribute to the sense of relatedness: sense of trust, perceived access to support, and comfort with others and tolerance. These aspects are conceptually and developmentally interrelated but are at the same time conceptually distinct.
Sense of trust in this sub scale trust can be identified most clearly by Erik Erickson (1963) as the first stage of social emotional development, upon which all other social development is built. Erickson defined basic trust as the ability to receive and accept what is given. The concept of trust reflected in this subscale is similar to the construct define by Erickson in that is considered to be a core aspect of relatedness manifested in many ways, including cognitions and expectations about the trustworthiness of others. the normal participant scored a below average score of 8 while the disabled individual scored 5.both scores represent not a fulfilled concept of trust towards caregivers and an underlying sense of