Response To Intervention Essay

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The words “Response to Intervention” are words used by many educators and administrators as a “cure-all” for students who are considered at-risk. Although this seems to be a fairly new concept, it has actually been in affect since 2004. In the past there was general education for children who are typically developing and there was specialized education for children identified as having disabilities. There was no plan of action or services for the students in between who were struggling, but didn’t necessarily need specialized and/or modified education. Consequently, special education was looked at a place to house students with disabilities more than a service.
One of the sure ways for a student to be placed in these special education environments was through the concept of “wait and fail.” This concept was due to limited resources and interventions for those students who were struggling, but continued to receive the same instruction as all other peers that weren’t …show more content…

These components of RtI are essential to the development of a successful RtI implementation strategy.”

1. HIGH QUALITY INSTRUCTION/ INTERVENTION is defined as instruction or intervention matched to student need that has been demonstrated through scientific research and practice to produce high learning rates for most students. Individual responses to even the best instruction/intervention are variable. Selection and implementation of scientifically based instruction/intervention markedly increases the probability of, but does not guarantee positive individual response. Therefore, individual response is assessed in RtI and modifications to instruction/intervention or goals are made depending on results with individual

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