Response To Luc Sante's Essay: The Violence Of Inequality

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“The Violence of Inequality” The Violence of Inequality is an essay by Luc Sante that reveals racism has negative effects. He incorporates evidence, similes, and comparisons in his essay and believes the only change since the 18th century (time of slavery) until now is African-Americans and Caucasians can coexist. Sante describes riots from the 18th century to the present in chronological order to suggest racism and its negative effects has yet to be resolved. Racism is a major issue because it caused many negative effects and stills exists in the world today. Racism led to 400 years of slavery, which then led to the discrimination of African-Americans and minorities. Racism hindered many African-Americans from voting, which prevented African-Americans from having an equal voice in the legal system. Also, African-Americans couldn’t own homes, work good-paying jobs, and were not able to receive proper education. Consequently, African-Americans have lived at the bottom …show more content…

He uses chronological order to expose even in the present, when Eric Garner was making a legal profit, a racist caucasian officer still murdered him. By describing riots from the 18th century to the present, Sante has revealed not much has changed since slavery, the only difference is blacks can’t legally be enslaved. But African-Americans still suffer from racism; African Americans still suffer from not owning as much property as Caucasians because of the unequal setback; African-Americans are still being murdered by caucasians; African-Americans are still viewed on the bottom of the social ranking