Response To Texting

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The article “ Pick Up the Phone to Call, Not text,” is referring today society constantly on their phone. Hultgren stated in the article “Nowadays, people get to know one another through technology rather than face to face” For example, the trend is texting, instead of talking to the person. This a problem that affects people. The author states in the article that people in a relationship based on texting will not last long. The article, states the individual can’t text to know the person. Instead, they should meet the person to get know them. By texting, they can’t see the person mood or emotion. These types of texter are what cause problems in relationships. The author stated different type of texters. This includes lazy texters, responds to …show more content…

For instance, its true many people are attached to their phone, unaware on what is happening around them. She states people assume, the idea of texting, in a relationship will last. Therefore, I agree that relationship does not last, based on text messages. Instead, the individual should communicate, by calling and even meeting with the person. For example, communicating includes talking. Therefore, by talking to the individual, they will know the persons emotion and mood. Communication helps to two people to talk then a text message. Communication is through body language, tone and pitch this is gets the message though. Next, texting frequency the person might not be texting quick, there could be reasons including problems with their cell phone or even lack of interest. On the other side the person might think the person is not interested in the conversation. People should call , in other case text messages can have errors in them, including spelling or the person accidently typed the wrong word. Therefore the best solution in a relationship is to communicate face to face; instead of behind the screen. People can text things they would not say to the persons

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