Opposing Views On Cell Phones And Relationships

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Smart Phones And Relationships People often debate whether or not cell phones are useful when trying to develop a healthy relationship. There are two different perspectives on this topic. Some people believe that cell phones are useful in a relationship but then on the other hand people say that cell phones ruin relationships. A majority of people say that being on your cell phone all the time, results in ruining the relationship and often break ups. According to an article called “How Your Smartphone is Ruining Your Relationship” it stated that “ real-life interactions are less exciting when a person is more interested at looking at there phone then to talk to you”. What they are trying to say is when you are on a date with your gf/bf and you both are on your phone instead of talking to each other, that could often be boring and make one of them feel bad that they can't have a conversation, which could in the end lead to a breakup.Another example is that it does not create a healthy relationship. If you both are on your phone all the time and you guys never have a honest talk, then you guys will never be able to talk about any …show more content…

The article does have a positive side to the debate by stating “that being in easy, intimate touch with a partner through calling and texting makes people happier and more secure in their relationship”. This statement is sometimes true but not always because if u rely just on texting to save a relationship then you should not be in a relationship. But not all people are able to see each other every day. For example if your in a long distance relationship or if you bf/gf is on the army or navy, therefore you can call, text and even facetime. This could strengthen a relationship since you will always be in touch, it might not be the best way to create a healthy relationship but it is