Pros And Cons Of The Dehumanization Of Cell Phones

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The current generation is branded with the idea that they overuse their technology, no matter the situation. Criticism of this generation’s technological use comes mainly from the generation that came before it. The belief that our dubbed “zombie” generation is addicted to technology and advocating the ban of technological use in places such as restaurants, movie theaters, and retail stores is not only extremely entitled but also extremely inconsiderate. Many seem to forget that technology isn’t used only by apathetic and disrespectful teenagers, but also by the generation that chastises them and even the generation before them. Denying someone the ability to use their phone in cases of emergency or immediate response is not only discourteous but also inhumane. Phones are safeguards for people with social anxiety and those uncomfortable in public situations, so taking away cell phones from people who truly need it to remain calm and making them extremely uncomfortable is dehumanizing. Promoting the stigmatization of cell phone use will only cause more harm to people than promote connection between them. …show more content…

Those older than us are never chided for figuring out technology and connecting to those they would have else forgotten, but they seem to always be the first to point out our “obsessive” technological use. The younger generation is almost always assimilated into new technology the easiest while older generations seems to resist change the most, even when change is the most beneficial action. The main reason is simply disdain for the younger generation, assuming superiority above for being on the earth for a couple decades more than they have. The entitlement in this belief harms not only younger person’s self belief but also pulls their own generation back. The negligence of the importance of technology is one reason many companies believe they must stifle technology use in public