Responsibility Of Worms In Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince

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In The Prince by one of the many famous Florentians, Niccolò Machiavelli, the authors work opens up a metaphorical can of worms that has many arguing that the means by which a final result is come upon is justified, whilst other would argue that the end result does in no way justify the means by which the result is brouhgt about. I will however argue here that the former is what I consider personally correct as can be clearly witnessed nearly all throughout Mr. Machiavelli's work. One must put himself, no matter how hard it may be to imagine, in the boots of a prince, the actions of a prince are not just for the princes own personal pleasure, the princes actions affects nearly all his subjects. Mr. Machiavelli writes in Chapter six; "A wise man ought always to follow the paths beaten by great men, and to imitate those who have been supreme, so that if his ability does not equal theirs, at least it will savour of it." At a first glance this quote may seem insignificant and …show more content…

Although some may say that cruelty was under no circumstances acceptable we must look at the bigger scope of things in which a single life is usually worth, to be frank, less than the dirt beneath his/her life. Some would say that putting war criminals on death row would be cruel, but if those criminals are not made examples than crimes of similar nature will be thought of as "acceptable" crimes. The end in the aforementioned example is that criminals think twice before comitting crimes and they way that this brought about, the means, being that those previously convicted of the crime are put to