Results-Based Management Practice In Aboriginal Affairs And Northern Development Canada

709 Words3 Pages

Noorpreet Dhillon
PPAS 3190 B
John Wilkins
November 3, 2014

Results Based Management Practice in Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
Results-Based Management (RBM) is a management approach that concentrates on achieving outcomes, implementing performance measurement, learning, adapting, and reporting on performance. Peter Drucker was the first to introduce this concept in the 1950s in his book The Practice of Management. The 1980s were turbulent times for developed nations across the world, as they were facing major political and economic issues of: growing public deficit, diminishing public confidence in government, competitiveness etc. Nations responded to these matters by initiating a …show more content…

Financial Perspective:
• Management applies the principles of accountability in the departmental financial spending
Application of accountability principles in financial spending ensures that management uses financial resources in a responsible, and transparent manner. RMB practice in the department requires managers to apply principles of accountability in departmental spending. The accountability measures are evident in the Departmental Performance Report 2013-2014 for the department. In the report, management highlights the budgetary performance summary for each strategic outcome by stating the main estimates, planned spending, and actual spending for the 2011-2012, 2012-2013, and 2013-2014 periods. Furthermore, management provides reasons for the over-the-year changes in expenditures. Therefore, this exhibits that management practice allows for the application of accountability measures in departmental financial spending.
2. Customer/Stakeholder Perspective
• Management involves key stakeholders in setting goals, objectives, and

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