
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Restorative Justice

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There are various charges against the employment of restorative justice. Basically, these charges critic the work and ideas of the way restorative justice aims at addressing crime in society. Let’s explore the following charge; “Restorative justice does not fit the thinking of legal practitioners”. (Batley 2005; 24). Thus, legal practitioners often argue that this approach is not fit enough for the criminal justice system. Hence, their perception that restorative justice as not taking seriously the fundamental concerns of a criminal justice system.
Firstly, we need to understand the idea of serving justice according to the legal practitioners. Most legal practitioners employ the retributive approach to address crime. This approach posits that punishment is to right the wrong done in the criminal offence. While the offenders’ suffering or loss which in most cases imprisonment is what constitutes the ‘pay back’ to society and the victims (Batley 2005; 25).
In contrast, restorative justice gives a very profound and different meaning to the term ‘paying back’ for the crime. In restorative justice the offender pays back for the crime committed by taking responsibility and fully acknowledging their actions, that includes repairing the harm and restore the relationship while allowing the victim to know what happened. By so doing, victims and the …show more content…

This process is congruent to the social work values, which is to respect the worth and dignity of clients and recognising the importance of relationships. Furthermore, it allows parties also have the option of having a relative or friend present to support them in the mediation process. (Naude, Prinsloo, Ladikos 2004;

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