Revelation 13-13 Research Paper

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Revelation 13:16 & 14: 9 says people will receive the mark of the beast in the forehead or in the hand. What does this mean? The forehead represents the mind (Hebrews 10:16). A person will be marked in the forehead by a decision to keep Sunday as a holy day. The hand is a symbol of work (Ecclesiastes 9:10). A person will be marked in the hand by working on God’s holy Sabbath or by going along with Sunday laws for practical reasons (job, family, etc.). The sign, or mark, for either God or the beast will be invisible to people. You will, in essence, mark yourself by accepting either God’s mark—the Sabbath—or the beast’s mark—Sunday. Though invisible to men, God will know who has which mark (2 Timothy 2:19). When the Bible reference to “Forehead”translate

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