Review Of Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation: The End Of Slavery

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Throughout his presidency, Abraham Lincoln 16th president of the United States of America and of the Whig Party, has encountered issues regarding slavery. Among the historians and the people he has gained surnames such as The Great Emancipator or The Gradual Emancipacionist, which echoes to his behavior during his time in power of the United States. For some he was a president with moral values and represented a man of real virtues. However, Abraham Lincoln did not act only towards his moral and political principles, he is also described as a strategic commander in chief. Historians such as Eric Foner searched and analyzed in detail the 16th president's behavior to understand his presidency from several points of view. The issues faced by Lincoln …show more content…

According to Allen Guelzo, Lincoln’s goal was to preserve the Union to be able to introduce emancipation into people’s lives, and to undermine the Confederacy by targeting their labor force and encouraging enslaved individuals to seek freedom by joining the Union with the help of the Emancipation Proclamation. Abraham Lincoln said that “In giving freedom to the slave, we assure freedom to the free”, what it means is that by granting freedom to enslaved people, the one already free will see their liberty strengthened and thus the Proclamation would provide benefits for everyone. In a 2013 interview Guelzo explained that “There has been a current that wants to reject the image of Lincoln as the Emancipator by questioning whether or not he emancipated the …show more content…

Allen C.Guelzo seems to prefer an historical approach by contrast to a pragmatic one expressed by the people cited in the interview. By analysing his language we can conclude that to him it is important to provide valuable insights into Lincoln's thinking, in his book Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation: The End of Slavery in America Guelzo argues that, “People who had known Lincoln long and well were conviced that his face was set toward emancipation from the day of his nomination for the presidency”, which made it a duty for this president to make the United States a land of emancipation for enslaved people and this is what was expected from him. Allan Carl Guelzo analysis of Abraham Lincoln’s presidency shows that to him he was a president with strategic power and great moral actions in seeck of an equal nation in which all people could contribute to its growth and success from which the Emancipation Proclamation could bring into the United States at that