Review Of Crossing The Quality Chasm: A New Health System For The 21st Century

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Barbell, Kathy, and Lois Wright, editors. Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century. National Academies P, 2001.

This book explains how the foster care system was first created, and what the original purpose of the system was. The book goes into detail about how the system performed experiments to try and make sure the system was aduiqate for the children in need. It informs the reader about different statistics within the system and explains how placements are made. It also explains in detail what the different steps the system takes to help the needs of every child.
This source informs me about the foster care system and how it runs. This is very helpful because my argument is over how the foster …show more content…

It highlights how foster children in the system need certain treatments inside of a home because of issues. The book explains how children with behavioral/emotional disorders often get moved from foster home to foster home. They are less likely to be put into a placement where they are guarenteed a long placement. It examines how foster parents are the primary agents of healing and chage in the life of a foster child. It also presents foster parents with new ways to handle foster children.
This source informs me about how the foster care system needs to evaluate the techniques foster parents use when bringing a new child into their home. This is very helpful because I am arguing that there are different sections of the system that need to be adjusted.

Stone, Katie J., and Yo Jackson. "Linking Foster Family Characteristics and Mental Health Symptoms of Youth in Care." Journal of Child and Family Studies, vol. 30, no. 11, 2021, pp. 2792-2807. ProQuest,, …show more content…

"Parenting Interventions to Support parent/child Attachment and Psychosocial Adjustment in Foster and Adoptive Parents and Children: A Systematic Review." Campbell Systematic Reviews, vol. 18, no. 1, 2022. ProQuest,, doi:

This article includes a study where they analyze how adopted children and children placed in foster care are at an increased risk of developing certain types of mental health disorders. It also goes into detail about parenting interventions that support child psychosocial adjustments. THe study shows how there are certain actions some parents took which lead to a happier and healthier foster child.
This source is vital to my argument because it shows the difference between foster parents and the differences between their parenting styles. It shows how all foster parents should have a basic plan on how to provide mental health resources to their foster

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