Foster Care Signature Assignment

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Introduction For this last assignment which is my signature assignment, I was asked to develop an envisioned methodology and design for my dissertation research topic based on the research problem, purpose, and previous research courses, and then write a research paper to identify the strengths and weaknesses of my envisioned method and design. Within this research topic I will discuss foster children. There is a great number of individuals that have experience foster care at some time or another in their lives. Some of those individuals such as myself actually grew up in foster care and because of that experience sent my life in a different direction than it was headed. Then, there are those that experienced foster care but were not in …show more content…

Many of these former foster children have not experienced college. The reason for them deciding not to go to college was almost the same across the board except for a few that had other reasons for not going. On the other hand, there are former foster children that made the decision to go to college for almost the same reasons, with the exception of a few that had other reasons why they decided to go to college. It is important that there is an understanding about how being in foster care affected children that experienced it and why some decided to go to college versus those that decided not to. It is also important to identify whether being foster care played a role in the decisions and whether there was abuse coupled with foster care that may have played a role in the decision (Goemans, van Geel, & Vedder, …show more content…

This design is the best design to use for this particular study because there is much more detail that can be received from the questions asked. These questions do not consist of simple yes or no questions. These questions allow the participants to answer questions based on the experiences that they had while in foster care and gives them the room to elaborate on some of the questions. They get the chance to really delve into the situations that they experienced and discuss how they may have felt at the time and how they handled the situation at the time also. This particular type of study is also the best for this group of people because it is not about the numbers (Goemans, van Geel, & Vedder, 2015). It is important that the participants are able to feel like there was a lot of thought put into the design of the study based on their unique situations. This study allows for the researcher to design their own questions within the survey and then also ask other questions that are not on the survey depending on the answers that they receive from the participants. The qualitative study is also a great tool to get information that people do not usually think to ask about and the participants usually do not get a chance to tell their stories other than in a counseling session if they decide to go to counseling, unless they are in a group that is participating in a research designed

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