Essay On Foster Care System

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Louisiana’s foster care system has over 4,000 children in custody. Children that have been neglected and abuse by parents that were supposed to love and protect them have turned away and left the responsibility to the government. Due to caseworkers being bombarded with impossible cases, demanding hours, and many bias responsibilities, the state has lost many workers to care for these children. Louisiana’s system runs on flawed criteria and bias decisions that have failed many children in the past, here in the present, and soon in the future. If significant changes are not made to this flawed system then our country will see a negative rise in our foster care youth’s success. The fundamentals of our country are built on the foundation of opportunity, but if none of …show more content…

These questions may not seem like the biggest deal, but make the wrong for that child and that worker may send that child on a spiral to failure or a rocket to success.[G3]
(file:///C:/Users/abarth3255/Filr/My%20Files/Downloads/Annie%20Grace%20Barth.edited.docx#_msocom_3) [G4] (file:///C:/Users/abarth3255/Filr/My%20Files/Downloads/Annie%20Grace%20Barth.edited.docx#_msocom_4)
Although the state may be flawed there are a lot of things they do succeed at. Many foster youth become very tough; by surviving every day and facing the unforeseeable future ahead of them. If given the same opportunities and supports as other young people, they can achieve great success. Many financial and independent recourses are provided to the older youth of the system. According to the most recent research, less than 10 percent of foster youth graduate from college. With support from Foster Care to Success, their success rate rises dramatically 65 percent of our scholars graduate within five years, a percentage higher than that of the overall

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