
Review Of Mother Jones: Conductor On The Underground Railroad By Ann Petry

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I’m sure you’ve been to school right? Well if you were alive in the 1900’s you wouldn’t. Yeah I’m sure you wish you didn’t have to got to school but you definitely would if you worked in a factory or worked as an African slave in the South. But if it wasn’t for two great people you would have to. “Mother Jones: fierce fighter for workers rights” is a biography by Judith Pinkerton Josephson is about, Mother Jones going to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and noticed kids were in awful condition, from working in the Mill House. So Mother Jones took most of the kids on a march through many different places until they got to New York, to see President Theodore Roosevelt. “Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad” by Ann Petry is a biography about, Harriet Tubman’s childhood, and how she learned about stars in the night sky, also she heard the galloping af several horses chasing after a runaway slave in the night sometimes. Harriet was curious about the outside world because of her father. Petry also tells us about the unfairness of issue …show more content…

She worked for child workers rights by having a march, witch gathered tons of people, it also helped her get workers rights a couple years after her passing. Harriet Tubman, freed African slaves because when she was a little girl she too was a slave. she didn’t want others to go through what she did. Harriet was a conductor transporting slaves to the North so they could be free. As a result, she freed many slaves and did exactly what she was supposed to do. Identically, both Moth Jones and Harriet Tubman transported people, though it was through different sources they did. As a matter of fact, they both also gave people a better life, Harriet Tubman, gave people a better life, by letting slaves finally be free. Mother Jones gave people a better life by giving kids a real future and

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