Revolts Against Tyranny

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One of the reasons why we revolted against Britain was because of tyranny, and now the constitution is trying to prevent it. The Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia was held in May 1787, there James Madison and other white people were trying to draft our constitution. The men needed to solve the existing problems. The Articles of Confederation were too weak, there wasn’t a chief executive, no court system, and the central government couldn’t have control over the states. At the same time, the framers were trying to prevent tyranny. How did the constitution guard against tyranny? Well first, we have to know what each term means. Tyranny is a government with an absolute ruler like a king or dictator. Tyranny can come in different amounts …show more content…

“Articles 1, Section 2, House of Representatives. Clause 3: Representatives … shall be apportioned … according to … (population).... The number of representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty thousand, but each state shall have at least one representative: and until (a census is taken within three years)... Article 1, Section 3, Senate. Clause 1: The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two senators from each state, chosen by the legislatures thereof for six years; and each senator shall have one vote(Constitution of the United States of America, 1787).” The number of representatives in the House was determined by population. This favored bigger states more than small states. For example, Rhode Island only had one vote, while Virginia had 10. The bigger states would’ve been more happy because they have more votes and can lean the laws toward their way. Because of this, to make it fair they made it so that the senate would have equal vote no matter what. Each state would have one vote no matter the population. This heavily favored the small states because now they would have equal votes with the bigger states. This compromise guarded against tyranny. First, this prevented bigger states from becoming powerhouses and dominating everything within Congress. This allowed equality and fair lawmaking. Overall, the compromise of big vs. small states in Congress prevented