
Rhetorical Analysis: Emma Watson

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We might know Emma Watson for her role in Harry Potter the films and many other appearances she has made on T.V. But, Emma Watson is also an activist, and on September 20, 2014, Emma gave a smart and moving speech about gender inequality and how we all can fight it. In stopping gender bias, she organized the HeForShe campaign which is a campaign to get men and boys to agree to join the feminist fight for gender equality. Emma made key points on how gender equality can happen and how stereotypes and expectations of men have to change. She delivered a great speech because of her reasoning, emotions, and delivery.
Emma Watson speech was a persuasive speech for men to join the gender equality fight and for everyone to join the HeForShe campaign. …show more content…

And how to apply all of them but the main one we’re going to look at is Pathos, the definition of Pathos is, “ Appealing to listeners emotions” (349). Emma appealed Pathos in her essay effectively she showed emotions with her words like bossy, sexualized, muscular, and aggressive these words made vivid images appear in our head, and it made us feel something; it brought out our feelings on the topic even if we agree with Emma or not. Emma also appealed to emotions regarding needs; the hierarchy needs she displayed that I took most from is self-esteem needs.Self-esteem is, “ To feel good about ourselves; to feel self-worth”(354). Emma captured self-esteem with this quote, “ I want men to take up this mantle so that their daughters, sisters, and mothers can be free from prejudice, but also so that their sons have permission to be vulnerable and human too”. This quote is powerful and it showed self-esteem because she wants men in the room or all over the world to take charge and to make their daughters, mothers, and sister to feel good about themselves and have self- worth. And don’t downplay women just because they're women. Also, for men to be themselves and don't find your

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