Sick Arab Rhetorical Analysis

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Quotes Paraphrase or summary Rhetorical strategies Effect/Function "Sick Arab—but harmless when not out of his head.?" In chapter 24, Jim, after being tied up every day as a disguise, complains to the duke. The duke comes up with a plan to paint him blue and disguise Jim. Following with the disguise, the duke wrote out the sign “Sick Arab-but harmless when not out of his head?”. Metonymy Irony Symbolism Theme: Freedom This scene/event is symbolic and ironic at the same time because a guy like the duke offers to help Jim to feel more relaxed, but, on the other hand, the fact that the duke is using Jim’s disguise to grant him freedom demonstrates Jim’s harsh reality as a slave even though he is running away from it. Moreover, the Metonymy used in this …show more content…

Yes, Regularly”. While the king, duke, and Huck are all given a place to stay at Wilk’s house. The Wilk family host a supper. During supper time, one of the Wilk’s girl interrogates Huck if he is truly the guy he claims himself to be. She asks serious of question regarding England and Huck’s “job”. Themes: Irony Religion. Huck considers himself a rational human being who defies the existence of God or any other religion. However, in this scene, Huck contradicts ideology and repeatedly tell others that he goes to church on a daily basis. This scene is hilarious and ironic at the same time because he is constantly contradicting himself by claiming he is religious, but, in reality, he hates religion. “So she done it. And it was the niggers—I just expected it. She said the beautiful trip to England was most about spoiled for her; she didn 't know HOW she was ever going to be happy there, knowing the mother and the children warn 't ever going to see each other no more While Mary Jane packs her bags for England, she displays her sadness to Huck because she is distraught by the fact that the King and the Duke is selling Wilk’s slaves, separating the mother from their kids.