Rhetorical Analysis Of Liberated The New Sexual Revolution

1396 Words6 Pages

Felicia Cadawas
Professor Denise Craft
ENG 112
26 April 2023
A Rhetorical Analysis of Liberated: The New Sexual Revolution College is a time in one’s life that is meant for furthering one’s education and becoming a successful part of society; however, it would be naive to believe that learning is the only thing that happens during someone’s college career. The traditional path to college is one that begins straight out of high school. At this point in their lives, the newly graduated students are finally getting their first taste of freedom. With this freedom comes lots of brand-new experiences that some may not have experienced in high school; hookup culture is a huge part of these new experiences. Benjamin Nolot, the founder of Exodus Cry which is a non-profit organization that fights against human trafficking, goes into detail of the ins and outs of hookup culture in the documentary Liberated: The New Sexual Revolution. He uses rhetoric, a persuasive technique utilizing Ethos, Logos, and Pathos in this film. Nolot reveals the gut-wrenching truth about the negative outcomes that stem from hookup culture; his use of credible sources, logical reasoning, and emotional appeals allow him to be successful in portraying the horrors of hookup culture on college campuses. In the documentary, Liberated: The New Sexual Revolution, Nolot begins by interviewing college students who are on spring break. This involves college kids who are partying on the beach during the day and …show more content…

This claim is fully supported through Benjamin Nolot’s Liberated: The New Sexual Revolution. Students on college campuses are put at risk because of the societal pressures and expectations placed upon the relevance of hookup culture. Nolot’s documentary highlights this fact. Through the use of credentials, logic, and emotions, he is able to successfully portray his argument and create a call for change in this

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