Rhetorical Analysis Of Post Revolutionary War By Alfred M Green

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African Americans, not able to yet fight in the union army, are being motivated by Alfred M. Green to join when the opportunity arises. Using the Revolutionary war as a reference Green relates the possible freedoms of post Civil War to the freedoms of post Revolution. Using rhetoric the author attempts to motivate his audience to join the fight. The first paragraph of the speech is probably the most moving and inspiring because the author begins by talking about how African Americans need to finally get rewarded for all the work that their people have done. Green wants to show the world that they are just as brave and patriotic as any other person in the United States at the time. The author is very patriotic in the way he said “My country …show more content…

Great Presidents recognize value of colored people but haven’t seen them as citizens yet while they fought for the rights of their masters. Society has not yet rewarded African Americans for their contribution to to the freedom of the United States. Green is storytelling history pointing out that Blacks have contributed a great amount to the country hoping to get the freedoms that they originally fought for in the Revolutionary …show more content…

He begins by telling people it is their responsibility to defend the country regardless of what the country has done to them. The author uses powerful word choice to inspire the African Americans that they can rebuild the country in a way that society is equal for all men. To me the most motivating part of the speech “let not the honor and glory achieved by our fathers be blasted or sullied by a want of true heroism among their sons.” because their ancestors worked so hard but it would be degrading to be the generation that ended the dream of freedom. However, if they became the generation that earned their people the freedom they’ve always deserved the African Americans would be honored throughout