Rhetorical Analysis Of The Declaration Of Independence

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Americans have an ideal and a dream for liberty, though they are often reminded by the British parliament that such liberty was out of reach. From time to time, it was not only the British who undermined their precious liberty, but also their fellow colonists. Therefore, the founding fathers of United States wrote an article to convey and reinforce the ideals of American liberty to their fellow people and the British parliament. The declaration of Independence successfully conveyed the concept of liberty because the article appealed to its audiences by using logical and emotions reasoning, represented the ideal understanding of liberty by introducing it to the public, and stood up for the injustices that the British have set upon them by addressing …show more content…

The founding fathers incorporated the appeal to pathos of the Americans by stating: “He (The British) has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.” (US, 1776) The declaration linked the unacceptable behaviors of the British to the American’s daily life, giving the reason that one who destroys our life and interrupt our lifestyles are not to be followed and worshipped. Using the appeal to pathos, the American congress conveyed liberty as the right not to be interrupted and to be respected. The article also utilized anaphora, or repetition in the main body paragraphs that brought more attention to their reasoning. Not only the Declaration of Independence worked to appealed the Americans, but also the British King and his parliament. Using the appeal to ethos, the Americans gave a logical explanation explaining their concept of liberty to all the its audiences. In the declaration, it is written: “A decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.” (US, 1776) The founding fathers equalized the American concept of liberty to a decent respect to the opinions of mankind, which then points to the British that they are not respecting the colonists’ decisions and rights. Using logical appeals, the Americans included a fair reason to break away from the British and to declare