Rhetorical Analysis: The Case For Torture By Michael Levin

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In the reading “The Case for Torture” written by Michael Levin, and published on the June 7th, 1982 edition of Newsweek. Levin argues in favor of torture as an acceptable way of obtaining information when innocent lives are at stake. Outlining three separate scenarios devised to make the reader reconsider the stance on torturer in order to protect the interest of those in the western area. The strength of this text is that the absence of reasoning does not strike the reader; he is overcome by Levin’s ability to break ethical decisions down to black and white. Levin begins with describing torture as “morally mandatory”. Levin conveys his point of view to his readers under the form of three different scenarios in which torture should …show more content…

This point introduces his following argument about the lack of constitutionality in torturing. His answer casts aside the framework of American democracy, the Constitution that states in the fourteenth amendment reads, “nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws”. Levin continues directly speaking to his audience claiming that you would be holding the lives of millions in your hands and it is you duty “to apply the electrodes” to save them. This plea to emotions has the same purpose as the rhetorical questions. Levin is searching to cloud the reader’s …show more content…

Levin says that terrorists lose their civil rights then they “knowingly” initiate their actions. Their lack of civility means that we can reciprocate in an uncivilized manner. The following paragraph speaks of two sides: “we” and “them”, and that there is a distinction that can be made on when it is acceptable to use torture. Levin believes that despite disregarding the constitution, or the foundation of United States’ democracy, we will not “lose” our way and solely preserve order. Levin last words warn American’s that terrorism is lingering in the future and that torture will be the only way to save “tens of thousands of