
Rhetorical Devices In Presidential Candidates

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The presidential debates between both presidential parties exploited several rhetorical devices to convey compelling perspectives of what they can provide to the American people. The Democratic and Republican Presidential debates covered an array of contentious issues regarding the well-being of the United States with diverse opinions and thoughts for the American people. The prominent rhetorical devices used in both political debates were evident, such as repetition; ridicule and innuendo. The earlier mentioned rhetorical devices were primarily used to deviate from unfavorable scrutiny that may negatively convey the person(s) as incompetent in regards to contentious topics discussed. Conventionally, the presidential candidates used rhetorical …show more content…

An example of the repetition rhetorical device is continuously used by several of the Republican Presidential candidates to articulate his or her points of view. To illustrate, Carly Fiorina, the female presidential runner, used the repetition device when asked to elaborate on a statement made regarding Donald Trumps inability to have the nuclear codes for the United States. Carly Fiorina states, “ The character and capability judgment and temperament of every single one of us are revealed over time and under pressure, all of us will be revealed over time and under pressure, I look forward to a long race.” The earlier statement was an attempt to deem Mr. Trump incompetent with regards to the United States nuclear codes; hence, repetition …show more content…

By definition, the down player device is employed in an attempt to make someone or something appear less important or less significant. The Presidential Candidate, Donald Trump vastly uses the down player rhetorical device when addressing the other Presidential candidates throughout the debate. For instance, Donald Trump states, “ Well, first of all, Ryan Paul shouldn’t even be on this stage, he is number 11 he’s got 1% in the polls, and how he got up there there’s far too many people anyway. As far as temperament, and we all know that, as far as temperament, I think I have a great temperament.” The previous statement is the classic tactic, down player rhetorical device, that Mr. Trump uses throughout his presidential debate. Donald Trump again uses the down player device when addressing a Presidential Candidate by stating; “ I never attacked him on his look, and, believe me, there’s plenty of subject matters right there.” Although the down player device is a prevalent tactic in Mr. Trump’s communication, the overuse of the down player conveys little respect for the Presidential Candidates as a

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