Rice Industry In The Philippines Case Study

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I. The Rice Industry in the Philippines Rice, commonly known as kanin in the Philippines, is a cereal crop that belongs to a family of other cereals such as wheat and corn. It is rich in vitamins and minerals and it is the best source of energy (Geonka Foods, n.d.). It is considered as the staple food of the Philippines and is part of every Filipinos’ meal. Also, this is eaten mostly in Asian countries. Rice is important for the food supply and economy of the country (Wikipedia, 2014a). Here in the Philippines, rice is grown by planting rice seeds on hectares of land by the method of plowing usually during the start of the rainy season. Rice usually matures approximately after three to four months and can be harvested after five months from being planted (Heirloom Organics, 2014). There are different varieties of rice seeds which lead to different rice varieties. Some commonly known rice varieties here in the Philippines are Sinandomeng, Dinorado, Malagkit, commercial rice, National Food Authority (NFA) rice, and some less known varieties are Jasmine, *. The prices of rice depend of what kind of variety it is. Some are high end, normal priced, and low priced. High end rice are branded rice such as Doña Maria Premium Rice, Best Choice, Golden Grains, Harvester’s, and so on. The price range of these branded rice Rice production has been in the Philippines since 3200 BC and it has been the staple food of many Filipinos since then (Bayanihan Foundation Worldwide, 2013).

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