The Pros And Cons Of The Atomic Bomb

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THE BIGGEST STUDENTS’ BOMB SO FAR OJO, MERCY Bombs are weapons of mass destruction and in military warfare, they prove to be very effective in making opponents surrender quickly like what happened at Hiroshima 50 years. Though we are gradually transiting from the era of bomb blasts from Boko Haram, there is a new Boko Haram bomb which is bigger and weightier than the bomb that is popularly known called hunger. Symbolically, it is the deadliest bomb that kills faster than the one we use to know. It takes away the will to do things you would naturally want to do. It makes you look emaciated, unfed and anything you can think of, that is what it does. When a person is hungry what can the person possibly do than to live a life of anger? Like the …show more content…

We are terribly suffering from the hikes in prices of foodstuffs in the market. It is killing us academically as we don’t have the stomach encouragement to carry on”. These were the words of Miss Blessing Simon, a 400 level student of Geology, University of Jos. “Chunks have been the order of the day as there have been a shoot up in prices of foodstuffs in the market and not as if there is money to buy the chunks, it is only monies left from the long term savings. It is not funny on students who our parents are of the average class in the society.” Although she is a hair stylist and resides in the Village Hostel of the university, Blessing lamented vehemently on the decrease in the way students patronize her as of previous semesters where she gets to make the hair of many students. “Female students are now packing their hair since they barely can eat. How then can they care for their hair?” She adds that ‘How will students who are sponsoring themselves cope in this era? Will they drop out of school or beg to meet up with the challenges that face both the rich and the poor? Though, the latter are more affected than the …show more content…

Specifically, prices of commodities like beans, garri, rice, Semovita has gone higher as a mudu of foreign rice which was formerly sold at N200 is now N530 and local rice is now N450. Beans formerly N150 is now N330, garri ranges from N200 and N220 while Semovita is N2,600 per bag from N1,200 at the beginning of the year. For groceries, Tummy–Tummy noodles is N2,200 a carton. Golden Penny noodles, the big size is sold for N1,800 and the small size for N1,300 respectively. Spaghetti is sold for N170 and a Three Crowns sachet milk formerly N20 now N25. Liquid peak milk still maintains it price at N130. Perishables are not left out as the prices fluctuate easily. Today, it may be expensive and tomorrow it drops in price. Pepper has the highest price for now as N50 pepper used to fill the packaging, now it is just as if it is been counted into the packaging bag. Kano Onions, the big basket is sold for N3,500, the medium basket for N2,300 and the smaller basket for N1,000 and for tomatoes the medium basket sells for