Richard Wright's Black Boy Growing Up In The US

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In the book, “Black Boy” written by Richard Wright, an American writer around 1940s, writes an autobiography about a boy growing up in the southern states where it has a lot of racial problems. Richard was born after Civil War and before Civil Rights Movement. During his early childhood, he experiences many racial problems and his families are disapproving of him when Wright tries to write stories. Around the 1940s, he is able to understand the difference between the two races and begins to write articles on how he experienced racism. As the years pass by, there are still racial problems happening in 2018 but there are many changes as well. If Richard Wright were to write an autobiography entitled “Black Boy” about a black boy growing up in the US in 2018, Richard would write about the difference between before and after the …show more content…

Wright will be happily writing about the election of Obama. He will write about Obama being a first African American president. This shows Obama is able to know what most of the blacks are thinking. As a result, Wright will be glad to have Obama as president. Secondly, Obama has most of the vote in the Northern states and Western states. This explains the difference between Southern states and Northern states. This is important because Wright will notice the Southerner wasn't been happy about Obama becoming a president. In the article, “Racist Backlash Greets President Barack Obama” by Larry Keller, shows the blacks are very happy about Obama being elected as president. As a result, many southerners will protest the election of Obama. Thirdly, blacks will be able to get more rights. This shows blacks have more right to things. This is important because blacks will just like the whites. Wright is happy because blacks are able to get more right and be freer. All this will show blacks will able to gain and have more freedom in the