Right Are Theoretical Insights Of Ecological And Sub-Biological Theories?

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How Right are Theoretical Insights of Ecological and Sub-Biological Theories?
The concepts of “ethnicity” and “nation” are very controversial and broad. The notion of ethnicity involves territorial, linguistic, cultural, and psychological components, while the notion of nation, in addition to the ethnic components, presents social processes that play, perhaps, the leading role in the population’s life.
Each historical type of ethnic group (tribe, nation, etc.) basically, represents a biological and social unity. Moreover, the social factor is becoming more dominant in the process of historical development, taking its natural background. Furthermore, the nation is largely determined by socio-economic factors, the main of which is a state, …show more content…

In many ways, it allowed (and allows) for ethnic groups to create more bigger and bigger ethnic cycle. However, not everything is such simple with ecological (biological) theories as the part of ethnicity studying. The ‘classical’ ecological theory considers the interaction of race and ethnicity with other features of identity (such as class, sexual orientation, gender and etc...) in the development of ethnic uniqueness. Ethnic differentiation and inequality have been central components in ecological theory. Basically, it is very common to the cross-cutting …show more content…

For example, migrants and immigrants seek to take niches in the social structure (trying to acclimatize for a life in the new social/ethnic environment). Therefore, they are trying to adapt and change, in order to take into account the constraints of their new environments. There is an emerging recognition that the diversity of life comprises both biological and cultural diversity. In the past, however, it has been common to make divisions between nature and culture, arising partly out of a desire to control nature. The range of interconnections between biological and cultural diversity are reflected in the growing variety of environmental sub-disciplines that have emerged.
However, there have been a lot of controversial around the biological theory. As it was mentioned before, the factor of race is an important feature of the concept of ethnicity. Moreover, it is a biological term, so a lot of people are making mistakes, thinking that biological theory dividing people by a race. It is not like that. The biology is rejected the term “race” as the division of people or ethnic groups. This division is favoured only in the case of cultural, social, political or historical context (term ‘race’ as a division of people have been invented under cultural and social

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