Rise Out Of The Shadow Case Management Plan

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In order to reduce and eliminate the main effects of anxiety to the homeless young adults, homeless shelter is an important place that provides basic services for them. However, without fully understanding the consequences of anxiety from individuals, the cure of mental illnesses such as anxiety would not be success. Therefore, recommending Rise Out of the Shadow (ROOTS), the homeless agency shelter at Seattle U-district area, run their own case management for housing and health service. The case management program is a housing program that focused on elements of locating, securing, and maintaining housing. This program is mobile which can be meet at office, family’s home, or place of work. Based on the interview with Kristine at ROOTS, their …show more content…

The HOME funds are flexible which allow States and local governments to use HOME funds for grants, direct loans, loan guarantees or other forms of credit enhancements, or rental assistance or security deposits (HOME Investment Program). In the other words, HOME funds focused on empower people and communities to design and implement strategies based on people’s need and priority. Therefore, as a local community’s implementation, conducting a case management program in ROOTS should applied through HOME funds in order to have a basic need of money to run the …show more content…

The case plans summarize the steps both the case manger and the participant will take to achieve the participant’s short-term goals which is to be housed. However, while maintaining the productivity of short-term goal, case manger should updates plan regularly which increase the intensity of case management. As case manager helps the development of understanding barrier of participants, helping them to build a support network outside the program and connect with community resources and service options that continue beyond programs is necessary for the retention of housing. For example, the case management on housing should also include the Assertive Community Treatment (ACT). From the research on the effectiveness of ACT, Coldwell and Bender concluded that ACT offers significant advantages, such as improving the methodology of housing and communication between patient and hospital, to standard case management models in reducing homelessness and metal health illnesses’ symptom severity (Coldwell & Bender, 2007). Therefore, concisely address the barrier for participant analyze the possible barrier can increase the succeed rate in case management

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