Rising Action Short Story

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INT. POLICE STATION BRONX NEW YORK INTERROGATION ROOM. EVENING. Ashley is crying her eyes out in front of George. George is sitting there quietly... listening to her and watching her cry. George reaches into his pocket and takes out a tissue and gives it to Ashley. Ashley wipes her tears and looks up at George with red puffy watery eyes. Georges’ head is down and he picks it up and you can see some tears in his eyes as well. George reaches into his pocket and takes out his business card and a note and hands it to Ashley. Then he gets up and leaves the interrogation room. Ashley watches George leave and her facial expression becomes one of hope, respect and admiration. She opens the note and reads it. Call me if you need help with anything. …show more content…

Puddles still remain on the ground, but the sun begins to shine brightly as it starts to rise overhead. George and Ashley are walking down a park road talking and laughing. Ashley pushes George and he falls into a puddle and gets his clothes wet. Ashley laughs and helps him up. George laughs it off and pushes her as well. They start running around chasing each other. INT. ITALIAN RESTUARANT. NIGHT George and Ashley are sitting down at a table having a candle lit dinner, they are having steak, wine, and other luxurious food on the table. Music plays in the background one that can set the mood for anything romantic. George looks nervous while eating his steak. Ashley keeps talking to him, but he continues to avoid eye contact with her. She begins to look nervous and confused on why George is acting like this. They both sit in silence just eating. Suddenly a mariachi band show up and start playing music behind Ashley. She looks shocked as she turns around to the music. She watches the mariachi band a while and turns back around to look at George to question him on what this is all about. When she turns around to look at him, he just sits there