Risk Assessment In Child Care

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The assessment of risk is a critical part of child welfare advocacy. The review of instruments of different instruments for assessing risk and safety in child welfare focuses on instrument reliability, validity, outcomes, and use with children and families of color. The evaluation of risk assessment instruments generally includes broad categories of areas related to abuse and neglect, behavioral descriptions, procedures to determine levels of risk, and standardized forms to record this information (Rycus & Hughes, 2003). In the process of screening for a case study, instruments are used to determine if the child or family needs further assessment, treatment, or intervention services. In evaluating the Van Sise family I have found that the following …show more content…

The Family Systems Stressor-Strength Inventory (FS3I) is an assessment/measurement instrument intended for use with families. Its purpose is to on identify stressful situations occurring in families and to determine strengths families use to maintain healthy family functioning. In utilizing this instrument, each family member is asked to complete the instrument on an individual form before an interview with the clinician. Questions can be read to members unable to read. Following completion of the instrument the clinician evaluates the family on each of the stressful situations, either general or specific and the available strengths they possess. This evaluation is recorded on the family member form. The clinician records the individual family member’s score and the clinician perception score on the quantitative summary. A different color code is used for each family member. The clinician also completes the qualitative summary synthesizing the information gleaned from all participants. Clinicians can use the family care plan to prioritize diagnoses, set goals, develop prevention/intervention activities, and evaluate outcomes (2001). The limitations of this instrument lie within the ability of each family member to be assessed, because each member of the family is supposed to participate by completing an evaluation form themselves. The issue arises in the family member’s ability …show more content…

The first problem within the Van Sise family unit is economic stability, this problem is evidenced by their living conditions and lack of resources. The second problem to be addressed is the parent’s inability to cope with stressors as evidenced by parental statements. The third problem in the Van Sise household is the viable presence of depression in the mother as evidenced by her statements and by the statements of her spouse. The fourth problem that needs to be addressed in the Van Sise household is communication style between the parental figures as evidence by observation. The fifth and final problem that needs to be addressed within the Van Sise family unit is the lack of discipline and consistency with parenting as evidence by personal observation and by third party

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